
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halloween Door Decor!

Here's your sign!
Boy, you can tell how short I am taking this picture! Follow the directions below to make this fun sign for your front door!
I wanted a fun and not scary decoration for my front door, and I think that this did the trick.
My expression that I have is 22 by 4 inches.
Are you a dumpster diver? I am! I got this wood while I was visiting a friend. She is still having some new home construction in her neighborhood. As I was leaving her neighborhood, I noticed this bin filled with scrape wood that was in the dumpster. Whee! So I grabbed a few's going in the trash anyways! I am just up-cycling here people!
So I measured my wood to be 24 inches
long and got the saw out!
Being that I always want to do things for mostly free, I try to always use what I have around.
I had this black and white paper left-over from some other crafts. Now, it was not the right size, so I went with a mosaic Mod Podge look.

I tore up the paper in random sizes and glued it on with our dear friend, Mod Podge.
When the paper was dry, I gave it a all-over coat. When that was dry, I went over
the edges of the wood with black craft paint.

I still wanted a bit more. I like the old looking Halloween...whatever that means.
So I wanted to antique this. I gave it a "dirty wash". I went over the whole piece with watered down cream paint.

Then take a paper towel or old tee, and wipe it down. You are removing most of the paint here. You want to move fast here because you don't want it to dry.

That looks better!

Then I cut around the expression and placed it on the wood when everything was dry.

I used some old wire that I had to tie up the sign. Then to add another fun touch, I used some crepe paper and got out the glue gun. I flipped it on the back side and glued a fancy edge to it. I am really happy with the way it turned out!

 Here is some more decor at my front door. I have light that I am going to put in the lanterns for Trick or Treater's. And all the garland and the crows are from the Dollar Store.

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