
Monday, November 29, 2010

It's that time of year!

I know that a lot of you have already gotten your Christmas cards out, but I am still working on mine! The thing that I love best if doing them on-line! Can it get any easier? I love all of the options out there to make it personal. When the kids have gone to bed and I can have a cup of tea, I love to read all the cards and letters! It's so amazing to see how far things have come with Christmas cards! But they still mean the same, just like when I was a kid. My kids now get to see how exciting it is to get the mail every day and see what cards are in the mail!
Have you ever noticed that the cards that you enjoy the most are the ones with pictures? We just love to see how our friends and families kids are growing up so fast! It means so much, and it makes it seem more personal to get a card with a picture!

I just took some pictures over the weekend with the kids. Sure, I would have loved to have a professional photographer take them, but these days with digital cameras, it's so EASY to take pictures and upload them!

I really have love using Shutter Fly for my pictures, cards, and other gifts that I have ordered!
Here are some ideas that I am thinking about for Christmas!
Photo Cards Here
I like this
Square Cards
This would be great with my two kids. I don't a family picture, so I like this option!

Another fun option is the calendars! I LOVE these for the Grandparents! That way they can look at pictures of them all year long!

I think that doing this poster size is different and really fun! What a great gift! This might work for the hubby's office!
Poster Calendars
There are some more beautiful ideas here:
SQUARE it here!

Find out how you can get 50 FREE cards HERE

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hair Bow Storage

There are lot's of different ideas out there in the blog
world for hair bow storage.
I just made this up...and mostly because it's free,
is why I love it!
I had a memo broad that I had made when my baby was a baby, but now she is 4 and has a pretty serious collection of hair bows. Most of them I have made...I just love to make them, what can I say?!
Anyways. I wanted to make something that would go on the back of her bedroom door. I don't have a lot of extra wall space, so I have to use what I got!
So, go to your local Home Depot and head over to the paint department. I was going to buy a yard stick or two. The guy asked what I was doing and I told him. He said "why don't you use these...and they are free!"
Free is good! The yard sticks were only .60 so I bought one because I felt guilty. I am glad that I did because it came in handy for measuring this bad boy!

Here is what the paint stick looks like. Now this is for the 5 gallon buckets, this is not the small stick. Plus it's a little bit thicker.

Get out the handy-dandy miter box. If you don't have one, just use a saw a measure where you need to trim it. I cut off the handle end of both sticks. I needed two, and Home Depot was more than willing to give them to me!

Sand off the ruff edge if it needs it and give it a couple of coats of paint to match the room. I painted the side that did not have the Home Depot lettering on it, sorry Home Depot. Let it dry...

Here is where the yard stick came in handy. I laid out both sticks to the distance that I needed. The yard stick helped with the over-all measurement. Get some ribbon to match. I always seem to have that stuff around! Now I got different widths to hold different kinds of bows.

I opened up a stapler and got to work. Pull it tight to the bottom piece to match your measurements.

I happened to have these thumb tacks that matched. I knew that I would use these someday! I got these at Hobby Lobby. Anyway, this helped to hold the ribbon tight.

OK, plan B. I got out my mat and blue tape. I needed to secure this thing so that I could get the ribbon tight.

Once I got everything secure, get out the command tape or the 3M tape. This is the best stuff ever! It does not leave a mark and when you are done you just peal it off. There was no way that I wanted to nail this into the door, so this worked great! I even used a coupon when I got it!

Secure it to the door with a gentle push and enjoy!

Now, the fun part of putting up all the hair bows! I was pretty pleased with the way it turned out! What do you think?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gotta love this! Pumpkin Latte!

I got this from a blog that I love:
Scroll down till you find this! It's free! Hello!
This it what mine looks like. I got the frame at Target for $6 and used my own printer to print it out. I added a little bit of copper paint where the white edges where showing.
I just love this!
I think that I may keep this out for Christmas too, not just Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Burlap to Fab for Thanksgiving!

Need a quick fix for a centerpiece for your table? Or this really can work any time of year!
Check out the table cover! So fun and you can personalize it any way you want!
Get a couple of yards of burlap. Add a quick whip-stitch around the square. This was done with brown yarn.
On the corners, gather some silk fall leaves and glue them in a bundle and safety pin them to to corners. This was done so that you can change it out for different seasons!

Here is how I did the lettering:
I have a set of stencils that are
from Michael's...use your coupons!
I got some brown craft paint and went all around the edges spelling out different things that I am thankful for.
 If you don't have a stencil, just free hand it! Or you can get some fabric makers and write things out.
Here is what it looks like done! Pretty fun!

This is what it looks like with the fall leaves.

Here it is on the center of the table. So fun! And you can make it all things that you are thankful for too!
This was a table that was done for our MOPS group. Lots' of different ideas on this table, but I really wanted to show you how to do the burl pap. LOVE it!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Table for your kids

Did you ever get stuck at the kids table when you were growing up? I sure did! Now it's time to make it fun for your kids! Even if they are toddlers, this is a great way to teach them about the first Thanksgiving!
I made this table scape for our MOPS group at church. The best part is that most of it's stuff from the Dollar Store and they are things that you can make yourself!
This table was set using a card table. Now I wanted to show using plastic and paper napkins. I know that it does not look as nice, but it's easier for clean-up!
One thing that I mentioned to the Moms was that you could go out and get some mix matched china from a thrift store and have the kids use that. Then they could take it home for a gift! You don't have to worry about them breaking your nice place settings and they feel extra special
with fancy plates to keep!
We used a round linen for the blue. They work great for a card table. You can also use a plastic party table cloth here too. I used some brown butcher paper to cover it and fringed the edges with some scissors.

The pots with the flowers is just a little something for the kids. I got those at the Dollar store and used some chalkboard paint on them. I wrote out each child's name in chalk for a place setting. It just adds a little color to the table!
I got the map at the dollar store to use as my centerpiece. The boat was purchased from Ross, but if you got to she has free templates that you can print out.

Here is how to "age" the map:
Get a world map from your local dollar store and smashed it into a ball.

Flatten it our and distress it with some ink. Just rub the pad over the high points on the map.

Then I took the map outside and took a fire starter to the edges to age it even more.
Now place it on your table and the kids can imagine that it's an old map from 1620!

~I took at mason jar and tied it off with some cute ribbon and a lemon leaf. This would be great to add some apple cider or apple juice.
More ideas:
The napkin ring is a black piece of elastic with a feather that I just hot glued to it. I found that WalMart had the best prices on feathers. Who knew?
Have your kids wear these on their heads. I used my son's head as a guide to measure them. Would that not make such a cute picture with all of them at the table with these feathers?
The box is another map that I aged and wrapped with a label for each child? What's in the box? Crayons to color on the butcher paper with! Fun!
This would work well for a little bit older kids. Turkey Trivia!
Cut out the body and use some fun paper for the feathers. Then attach with a brad and you can write some history about the first Thanksgiving! The kids can play this game while they are waiting for dinner!
I hope that this can give you some ideas for your kids table this year! There are so many ways you can make this years dinner one to remember for you kids! Making memories!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another Dollar Store Transformation!

Holy buckets! It's been a long time since I did a post! Mostly it's because I had been working on a presentation that I did at my MOPS group...Mother's of Preschoolers in case you did not know what that was! So many of the crafts that I have been doing lately, have been for this. There are a lot fun things that I want to show you, but I will start with this one for tonight!
We must have talked about these Dollar Tree vases about 100 times. There are so many things that you can do with this. You can't even buy vases wholesale for this price! Of course, you can do this with any vase that you have sitting in that little cupboard above your 'fridge that never gets used. I'm all about up-cycle!
These are all over the blog world, but here is a different way to fill them up.
Now don't these look great? They would be perfect for your dinning room table or an entry table!

Grab the Dollar Tree candle stick too! So you see here I have the vase and the candle stick as two pieces. You can give the top of the candle stick a bead of hot glue and set that vase on top of it right in the center of the vase. That way, when you are done with this, and you think it's something that you want to change out, just pop it off and peal off the hot glue.
To fill these:
I used a couple of paper towel rolls here. There is a lot of wasted space in the middle that you would never see, so that is a perfect use of a left-over roll! Never get rid of those babies! So many uses for them!
Anyway, I just layered some gerber daisy's all around them.
This was my look for October. For November, I am using fall leaves from the Dollar Tree. They are like silk organza!
So pretty!
Hey sis! Want to send me a box of real leaves from New Hampshire? :~)

Here is what they looked like set up in my kitchen...
Now I'm changing everything out for Thanksgiving!
The worst part...It's still 93 degrees here! Come on! I still have to use my air conditioning on the afternoon!
*When I get some pics of how we used these on our table scapes, I will post those!