
Friday, November 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Table for your kids

Did you ever get stuck at the kids table when you were growing up? I sure did! Now it's time to make it fun for your kids! Even if they are toddlers, this is a great way to teach them about the first Thanksgiving!
I made this table scape for our MOPS group at church. The best part is that most of it's stuff from the Dollar Store and they are things that you can make yourself!
This table was set using a card table. Now I wanted to show using plastic and paper napkins. I know that it does not look as nice, but it's easier for clean-up!
One thing that I mentioned to the Moms was that you could go out and get some mix matched china from a thrift store and have the kids use that. Then they could take it home for a gift! You don't have to worry about them breaking your nice place settings and they feel extra special
with fancy plates to keep!
We used a round linen for the blue. They work great for a card table. You can also use a plastic party table cloth here too. I used some brown butcher paper to cover it and fringed the edges with some scissors.

The pots with the flowers is just a little something for the kids. I got those at the Dollar store and used some chalkboard paint on them. I wrote out each child's name in chalk for a place setting. It just adds a little color to the table!
I got the map at the dollar store to use as my centerpiece. The boat was purchased from Ross, but if you got to she has free templates that you can print out.

Here is how to "age" the map:
Get a world map from your local dollar store and smashed it into a ball.

Flatten it our and distress it with some ink. Just rub the pad over the high points on the map.

Then I took the map outside and took a fire starter to the edges to age it even more.
Now place it on your table and the kids can imagine that it's an old map from 1620!

~I took at mason jar and tied it off with some cute ribbon and a lemon leaf. This would be great to add some apple cider or apple juice.
More ideas:
The napkin ring is a black piece of elastic with a feather that I just hot glued to it. I found that WalMart had the best prices on feathers. Who knew?
Have your kids wear these on their heads. I used my son's head as a guide to measure them. Would that not make such a cute picture with all of them at the table with these feathers?
The box is another map that I aged and wrapped with a label for each child? What's in the box? Crayons to color on the butcher paper with! Fun!
This would work well for a little bit older kids. Turkey Trivia!
Cut out the body and use some fun paper for the feathers. Then attach with a brad and you can write some history about the first Thanksgiving! The kids can play this game while they are waiting for dinner!
I hope that this can give you some ideas for your kids table this year! There are so many ways you can make this years dinner one to remember for you kids! Making memories!

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